
About Us

The International Refugee Trust (IRT), headquartered in the United Kingdom, is a recognised international charity with 30+ year legacy of extending crucial aid to refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) affected by conflicts and disasters in Africa and the Middle East. Standing resolutely even when other humanitarian bodies have concluded their efforts, the IRT collaborates closely with local partners such as children’s homes, schools, and hospitals. This partnership network is dedicated to addressing the persistent needs of those who have suffered separation, abandonment, and exploitation due to conflicts and natural disasters.

By engaging with local actors, we ensure our interventions resonate within their communities, fostering seamless integration of responses aimed at children’s well-being. Our initiatives encompass child protection and reunification, capacity building, economic empowerment: establishing robust support networks for families, their households along with their communities. We also champion national and international advocacy strategies, channelling efforts toward enhancing child protection practices and outcomes on a broader scale.